
De ce o pagină de Facebook nu poate înlocui un site web

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În era digitală, multe afaceri mici aleg să-și înceapă prezența online printr-o pagină de Facebook. Este gratuită, ușor de configurat și pare o soluție rapidă pentru a atrage clienți. Totuși, o pagină de Facebook nu poate înlocui un site web profesional.

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De ce un site creat în regie proprie 'DIY' nu este o alegere bună pentru afacerile mici

Diy website builders bad for business
Ai nevoie să creezi un site web pentru afacerea ta mică și te gândești să-l construiești singur? Din păcate, mulți cred că pot face asta pe cont propriu. Abia după ce creează un site de calitate slabă realizează că ar fi fost mai bine să lase această sarcină în mâinile profesioniștilor.

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7 Signs You Need a New Website for Your Business

Signs you need a website
Web design might sometimes seem like an unnecessary expense for some small business owners. In fact, it's quite the opposite. User habits and Google search algorithms change regularly. You're missing out on valuable traffic (and potential customers)  if you're not consistently modernizing your website.

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8 Things Every Small Business Website Needs

Things every small business website needs
If you run a small business, no matter what it is that you do, or where you’re located, you need a website. Small business websites are crucial for online visibility, branding, and driving sales, but only if you've got good web design.

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7 Reasons Why Small Business Websites Are Vital

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A website is a vital component to a small businesses’ success. However not an website will do. About one in five small business websites struggle to generate traffic to their website. Meanwhile, 57% of users won't recommend a company with a poor mobile web design. If your website doesn't offer a positive experience, you could lose potential customers.

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Website Traffic Stats Explained

Website traffic stats
There are over 5.07 billion daily Internet users in the world, so there's a large base of potential customers you can reach with your website. But before you can tap into that potential, you need to know whether your website is capable of attracting those visitors. Your website traffic stats are a good place to start.

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